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Joseph C. Bodiford

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Probation Violation Lawyer Tallahassee

A Skilled Attorney for Probation Violation Cases


An experienced Tallahassee defense lawyer for violations of probation is crucial if you are suspected of violating your probation. If you have been placed on probation in Tallahassee and you are arrested for violating the conditions of that parole, the court may impose severe penalties. There are alternatives, however.

Tallahassee Criminal Defense Lawyer Joe Bodiford has represented countless clients who have been accused of violating their probation after DUI, drug crimes, domestic violence and a variety of other convictions. To discuss your situation with an experienced Tallahassee attorney, call 850-222-4529 for a free consultation with Joe Bodiford.

You may be surprised to know a warrant has been issued for your arrest after you are suspected of violating probation in Tallahassee. You may not even realize that you violated your probation until officers arrive at your home or you are stopped for a routine traffic violation. Some of the possible ways you may have violated probation may include:

  • Missing a weekly meeting with a court authority
  • Failing a random drug or alcohol test
  • Possessing a firearm in violation of your probation
  • Failing to be continuously employed while on probation
  • Not completing mandatory community service
  • Not completing an alcohol awareness class or other DUI-related requirement

Given the nature of probation, it is very easy to be charged with a violation. You may have not intended to violate the probation or you may be the victim of false accusations. No matter how your legal challenges were created, Tallahassee Defense Lawyer Joe Bodiford has the skill to represent you and protect your freedom.  

 Probation Violations Carry Severe Penalties

The court will try to make an example of you. If you are suspected of violating your probation in any way, the court may force you to pay massive fines or surrender your liberty by putting you in a Tallahassee jail, Florida prison or federal penitentiary. Because the risk of severe penalty is so great, you need a highly qualified, experienced and successful attorney on your side.

Joe Bodiford is a Tallahassee defense lawyer for violations of probation who is also a Certified Specialist in Criminal Trial Law. This distinction indicates that he is extremely knowledgeable about the criminal defense system and that he knows what works in defending his clients' rights.

If you are suspected of violating your probation, don't wait. Take action and call a Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer who knows how to get results and who offers practical legal solutions for even the most difficult cases including probation violations in Tallahassee.